MoE Importer

A simple converter to create fandom pages with infoboxes in bulk from CSV spreadsheets.

Non-urgent advice: Disclaimer.

There is an ongoing copyright issue with this project’s serving service’s serving service. See details and my statement here.

What is this?

This thing started when I am contributing to the Myth of Empires Wiki at Fandom. There are a large number of items out there while the team does not have enough hands on the deck.

However, it occurred to me that most of these things are repeated work – copy, paste and filling in by copy & paste. So when we are spending a lot of time doing copy and paste, what can I do to improve efficiency?

By bulk generation, of course.

Fandom has an import function, so I decided that I can take advantage of it, by generating import format (XML) out of CSV documents. It helped the overall generation process of the team and can be used for other projects as well with no or slightest modifications.

It is anticipated that this tool may work on other MediaWiki-based systems, including Wikipedia and Bilibili Wiki.This program works on Windows 32/64-bit systems.

Non-urgent advice: Non-reliable tool.

I have discovered a bug within this tool that makes this tool being unable to override any post currently exists. I have fixed this issue, but due to the copyright infringement I shall not support this tool anymore.

Since this tool may be useful with other uses, if you wish to obtain a copy of the fixed version, kindly drop an email to me at chise at hachiroku dot uk.

You must also pledge that you will not use it on anything related to Myth of Empires.

Page last reviewed: 23 July 2023