Quick Revision Sheet

Quick Revision Sheets

Get prepared for exams, fast.

Quick revision sheets are made during my own revision process and cover many important and easy-to-forget knowledge points. These documents act as an index to remind me of wee things that got forgotten in the final moments. It is of immense help during my own revision processes.

Each entry, listed in a dictionary-like format, contains only minimal descriptions of concepts, and for self-explanatory terms there may be no explanations at all. Use of this document still requires having basic knowledge of this course, so it would be near impossible to pass the exam just by using this thing.

However, this remains biased. It is recommended for anyone trying to use this to create a version that suits them most, as some concepts are hard to me may not be that hard for others. Also, it is well worth mentioning that these are based on materials provided on academic year 2022/2023, some may have been removed or missing in following years.


  • SQL keywords are listed, but not explained. Check MySQL documents or W3School for detailed explanations.
  • All design principles may change at any time, so check with materials.
  • Incorrect Summary is not listed in course materials. This sheet is included for convenience.
  • This course changes its examinable materials constantly, so be sure to check materials before the start of revisioning!
  • All knowledge covered or used in individual and team coursework has been omitted.
  • Through exam it is known that some approaches have their name (e.g.: MVC architecture, GitHub Flow, etc.) may seem strange. It is advisable to go through materials to familiarise these terms.
  • There are 30 MCQs for 1 hour, plan time wisely.
  • This course is different than COMP23412 Software Engineering 2, which is a completely different unit.

This sheet has a quite good coverage of the questions not related to examinable readings. For examinable readings, questions are seemingly randomly selected from contents.

There are some ambiguity in some of the questions, but is overall fine. In general the questions are not very hard and should be easy to get a reasonably good score.

However, for academic year of 2022/23, the examination took place in pen-paper form. Remember to spare some minutes to transfer the answers to the bubble sheet!

  • BFS and DFS have been omitted, but other contents are written with assumption of knowing them.
  • Bayes Network should not be confused with Bayesian Probabilities, which is not included.
  • Okpai BM-25 formula is not listed as it would be provided in examination. Typical values of b and k are also omitted as they may change.
  • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) formula has introduced an assumption that log10() will be used when log() appears. Check this in advance.
  • False Positive Rate may have other definitions based on how it is defined. Check this with course materials in advance.
  • Page Rank formula may not have damping procedures, but this is very, very unlikely.
  • Regular Expression format listed is the one appeared in the materials, but there are enormous kinds of other types that exist.

I am very glad to report that this QRS is covers more material than it is examined, but it has also left out some simple concepts. Although, almost all of the concepts left out are covered in quizzes.

It has some lacking coverage regarding C++’s class structure, but this knowledge has already been covered through C++ labs.

At the concurrency part, basic concepts of what concurrency is and how does mutual exclusion work is not covered in this document, check the quiz.

You may notice it has a very small coverage on Haskell and Rust, but this is due to how the lecturer do exams. Check the quizzes.

In this year, someone asked if they would see the equivalent DFA for an NFA, and the answer was no, but would be considered for the next year (starting from 2024).

  • This list is proven to have missed a handful few concepts. Check your course materials instead of relying on this blindly.
    • Abstract Data Structure
    • Turning of AVL Trees
    • Something else
  • Max-Heap is just the twin sister of Min-Hip.

This list has exceptionally well coverage of the test contents (except for time complexity). I have nothing more to add. This sheet has included some of the important concepts from the first semester, which is quite crucial to the synoptic questions that worth 14 points.

As the unit leader once said – this unit is about to get hold of the key concepts. There are a lot of concepts being introduced, and please quit thinking about you can do this by reciting the whole document.

If a concept is appeared that seems like out of nowhere, then probably it is. This unit seems to have a bad habit of creating seemingly correct wrong answers.

This document is known to lack some concepts in the final weeks, e.g. cloud computing and trend of distributed systems. However, the reason of their omittance is because their absence in weekly quizzes.

Coverage for this unit is exceptionally good, but has left out one crucial concept of DCT. As a supplement, a description of DCT is provided below:

Non-urgent advice: DCT (Discrete Cosine Transformation)

The DCT algorithm is just a loop that, simply put, multiplies different frequencies of cosines by the signal – in our case the signal is an 8×8 image block. This is finding the response to the different cosine waves to find out what the frequency content is in the image block.

In a 1D DCT on a music signal, you can easily imagine what is happening – it is finding the different frequencies that make up the music signal. In a 2D image signal, it is finding the special frequencies in the image block – how fast the intensity changes. As a simple example 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 0 is low frequency; 255 0 255 0 255 0 255 0 is a high frequency.

If there is a question on this, you would just be expected to explain that the image is split up into 8×8 blocks, a DCT is performed on each block, the high frequencies are ignored through quantisation, and the remaining signal is compressed further using run-length encoding (RLE). The opposite is done to recreate the image.

There are 40 marks for written essays, good luck!

Thank you for scrolling down to this place. Always remember: It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

Page last reviewed: 23 August 2023